You know that starfish story where a little boy tries to throw as many starfish as he can back into to ocean one morning before the sun shrivels them? Then when an old man points out to the young boy that he can’t possibly save all of the starfish, the boy throws another starfish into the ocean and says, “I just saved that one”?
Our executive director, Lynn Thomas, used that analogy to encourage us to work together to help our low-income children and families when she spoke at our October 20 “Open Doors to Independence” Breakfast. “Together we can’t save everyone in the world, but, we can help our 38 families who live in our affordable housing apartments. We can help the six families who are transitioning out of homelessness. And we can help over 100 low-income kids in our after school, mentor and summer programs develop the learning skills and social skills to grow up to be independent adults, hold jobs and live without assistance.”