Jim came into the program with three daughters. Due to the loss of employment, he became homeless and ended up in a community shelter. In the beginning, he struggles with finding a job that would provide for the family due to his background. The mother of the daughters left him to raise them alone. After struggling with a couple of jobs that were not a fit, he was able to secure employment within Alexandria with a restaurant. They paid him to get his food service certification and hired him as the chef/main cook.
With the generosity of the employer, he was able to work his way up in the job, save money, and provide for his daughters. He took classes on parenting and joined a support group for fathers to help him be a better dad. He maintains his employment. After two years in our Transitional Housing, he found his way as a great father and provider. He was able to get affordable housing. His daughters are doing well, he still works and has a greater sense of what his role as provider and father to his girls are.