We are ready to Spring2ACTion! Our goal is to raise $30,000 within 24 hours on April 10, 2019 to support our Summer Enrichment Camp. Community Lodgings is offering 75 children a chance to attend Summer Enrichment Camp during summer, 2019. Programming will be in the morning and afternoon sessions will be offered. All students will be provided […]
Community Lodgings 2018 Open Door Breakfast Is October 25.
Join us at Belle Haven Country Club for our Open Door Breakfast.
Community Lodgings, Bridges to Independence and Homestretch Partner to Hit a Home Run for the Homeless in Northern Virginia
The 5k Home Run For The Homeless Is Raising Awareness About Employed and Homeless Individuals and Families In The City of Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax Counties Community Lodgings, Bridges to Independence and Homestretch are partnering to shed light on homelessness in Northern Virginia with its First Annual 5k Home Run for the Homeless on Saturday, […]
Spring Forward was a Blast!
Many thanks to those of you who came and celebrated with us for this year’s Spring Forward Fundraiser! We hope you had as good a time as we did! Here are a couple of snapshots from an evening full of fun and giving back, courtesy of guest photographer Dan Horsey. Enjoy! [rev_slider alias=”spring-forward-2017″]
Saturday Academy: helping kids succeed on the SOLs
Did you know that, according to data released by the Virginia Department of Education, Alexandria middle schoolers struggled to pass their Math and Science SOLs last year? Although some students’ scores have increased in certain subject areas, Math and Science still continue to trip up many Alexandrian kids, with more than a quarter of 8th graders failing […]
Things are looking merry and bright around Community Lodgings…
Happy December! Although it feels like springtime outside, make no mistake: the season of giving is upon us, and it’s off to a very good start! Let’s count some of the ways our clients are feeling the love…. A TH family enjoyed a performance of The Nutcracker at the Warner Theater thanks to a generous […]
You Make a HUGE Difference!
You know that starfish story where a little boy tries to throw as many starfish as he can back into to ocean one morning before the sun shrivels them? Then when an old man points out to the young boy that he can’t possibly save all of the starfish, the boy throws another starfish into […]
‘Open Doors to Independence’
Thank you to our friends at the Alexandria Gazette Packet for the coverage of our fundraiser breakfast on October 20 – page 22 – at the Holiday Inn and Suites on October 20!
Local Nonprofit Aims to Help Homeless
What a terrific story that the Washington Informer wrote about us after our “Open Doors to Independence” breakfast on October 20!
Please Attend our Open Doors to Independence Free Breakfast on October 20!
You helped us achieve success beyond our wildest dreams at last year’s “Open Doors to Independence” breakfast last year and we hope you will join us again! Our second annual Open Doors to Independence breakfast will be held on Thursday, October 20, at the Holiday Inn and Suites, 625 First Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314, from 8 – 9 a.m. Enjoy […]